Election Advisory No. 2021-24

Office of the Texas Secretary of State

The purpose of this advisory is to provide an explanation of the requirements for an informal Application for Ballot by Mail (ABBM). An informal application is an application that is submitted by a voter that does not use the Secretary of State prescribed Application for Ballot by Mail form.

Minimum Requirements Application for Ballot by Mail

The Texas Election Code permits a voter to send in an application for ballot by mail (ABBM) without using the official form prescribed by the Secretary of State. This is commonly referred to as an “informal” application. (Section 84.001(c), Texas Election Code). This law allows campaigns and third-party organizations to generate their own campaign-related ABBM. However, in order for these informal ABBMs to be valid, they must meet minimum statutory requirements under the Texas Election Code.

Section 84.001 prescribes the minimum requirements for an ABBM. At a minimum, an early voting ballot application must be in writing and must include:

  1. State the applicant’s name;
  2. State the applicant’s address;
  3. State the number of the applicant’s driver’s license or personal identification card issued by DPS, or if applicant has not been issued one of those numbers, the last four digits of the applicant’s social security number, or a statement that the application has not been issued either of those numbers (NEW LAW – SB 1; 2021, 2nd C.S.);
  4. State the address at which the applicant is registered;
  5. State the address to which ballot is to be mailed, if different and if authorized by law (see below);
  6. State a valid ground for voting by mail;
  7. Indicate the election for which the applicant is applying to vote by mail; and
  8. Be signed by applicant or witness, if applicable.

An ABBM that does not contain these statutory elements must be rejected by the early voting clerk.

Primary Election – Party Selection

If the voter is requesting a ballot by mail for a primary election, then the voter’s application must state which party’s primary election ballot they wish to receive. If the voter does not indicate a specific party selection on their application, then they will not receive a ballot for the primary election or the primary runoff election.

Grounds for Voting by Mail

An ABBM must state a valid ground for voting by mail. Below we’ve provided a summary of the different grounds and any requirements associated with each reason for voting by mail that may be required in order for an application to be valid. We note that sometimes a campaign or third-party group will choose to target certain eligibility categories and may not list all the reasons a person may be eligible to vote by mail. This is permissible.

An informal application is not required to list all possible grounds that a voter may use, but the voter must indicate which specific ground they are using to vote by mail.

The following grounds may be used by an eligible voter who wishes to vote by mail:

Age 65 or Older (Sec. 82.003)

A voter may vote by mail if they will be 65 or older on election day. The voter must indicate on their application that they are voting by mail due to being 65 or older on election day. Please be advised that a voter does not satisfy these eligibility requirements by merely listing their date of birth; the voter must specifically state on the application that their ground for voting by mail is that they will be 65 or older on election day.