Random act of kindness middle school

151,601 educators have signed up on our website so far to download lesson plans and other kindness resources. Thank you!

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Our lessons have been downloaded more than 1 million times since we introduced them in 2006.


Our lesson plans have been downloaded from 195 countries and have been translated into 12 different languages.


Our lessons have been downloaded from educators from over 35,000 schools & school districts.


"It's a constant reminder of mine to my students, no matter where they may be to AWAYS show kindness."

"My kids are more emotional and better able to empathize with others. The atmosphere around us is more lovely and there is a decrease in conflicts between them."

"We LOVE this curriculum in our school! The activities are relevant, the recommended stories are engaging and the children really enjoy the lessons. Thank you so much for making it freely available."

If you are using our school resources, email us at info@randomactsofkindness.org—we would love to add your school and hear how it's going.

D11 School District Generation Schools Network Rocky Top Middle School

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©1995-2024 The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. All Rights Reserved. "RAK", "RAKtivist", "Kindness in the Classroom", "Kindness Starts With One", "Random Acts of Kindness Day", "Make Kindness The Norm" and "Kind Times" are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. Note: The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation does not pay indirect costs for research.

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